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How often should I clean the filters on my stick vacuum cleaner?

The frequency at which you should clean the filters on your stick vacuum cleaner depends on several factors such as the manufacturer's recommendations, the type of vacuum cleaner, the frequency of use, and the amount of dirt and debris you pick up during cleaning.
As a general rule of thumb, it's advisable to clean the filters on your stick vacuum cleaner at least once every one to three months, or more frequently if you use it daily or have pets at home. If you notice that the vacuum cleaner's suction power has decreased, it's a good indication that the filters need cleaning.

Cordless DC vacuum cleaner with Two nozzle H08
It's also important to note that some stick vacuum cleaners come with washable filters, while others have replaceable filters. If your vacuum cleaner has washable filters, you can rinse them with water, allow them to dry completely before reinserting them back into the vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum cleaner has replaceable filters, you should replace them according to the manufacturer's recommendations.